Get Involved
S-lab wants you to get involved however you can!
Have a question, comment or idea? Let us know!
Want to start your own project at the S-lab?
Fill out the Pitch a Project webform and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Want to sign up for a workshop?
Sign up for workshops through Register for a Module.
Want to book a room or equipment?
Refer to our booking page. You must be UCSC affiliated to make a booking. Do make sure pay attention to the posted hours.
Want to donate to S-lab?
Go to the Donate to S-lab page!
Want to Volunteer as a student worker, mentor, or looking for a job?
Please send an email to and write “Volunteer” in the subject line; or refer to the postings below:
S-lab has no openings at this time
S-lab is located at
UC Santa Cruz
Thimann Labs 372
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone the lab at 831-459-xxxx
Lab hours:
M-F 9am-8pm